DEV Community

Discussion on: Throttling and Debouncing. Avoiding unnecessary API calls.

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Pontus Lundin

Great post! I'm to a big fan of throttling/debouncing and I end up writing my own little helpers over and over.

I'll post my debounce function, happy to get feedback 😅 The benefit in this version is that it accepts arguments and get a proper this-binding when used as event handler - if you're into that sort of thing 😉

const debounce = (func, delay = 200) => {
  let timeoutId;

  return function() {
    timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
      func.apply(this, arguments);
    }, delay);

function search(evt) {
  console.log( === this); // true

const debouncedSearch = debounce(search, 500);
input.addEventListener("input", debouncedSearch);
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Thanks again!