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Henry Barreto
Henry Barreto

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My reading journal: Clean Architecture - Chapter 2: A tale of two values

The greater resume from this chapter is the fight between behavior and architecture, what is it, who earn with a good behavior and well-designed architecture and a good programmer should care about both.

Bob begins showing the software system has two values for who paid for it (stakeholder): Behavior and Architecture. Behavior refers to what the software do, what it delivers for the users, what generate value; Architecture to do the system grow it up to this one without spending lots of money, all this is what the stakeholder care about.

Yet, the developers see both a slightly different ways. Behavior is what the programmer are paid for, transform products (ware) in easily way (soft) to the user, and Architecture is what they do to achieve this goal, either with or without it. To develop behaviors fast and get the income, sometimes programmers ignores the architecture, what does the growing process of devolving hard and annoying, but develop a good product with well-thought architecture takes time, knowledge and organization, what is not easy.

Although, what is the most important thing, the author question again, function or architecture?

  • If a program works perfect, but it is impossible to change, it is useless.
  • If a program does not work, but in it is easy to change, it can be useful.

If a program is running, but changes anything on it demand too much work at the point to be almost impossible, it will be useless. Now, if a program is not running, but it is easy to change and add new features, it will be continually useful.

If architecture comes last, then the system will become ever
more costly to develop, and eventually change will become practically
impossible for part or all of the system. If that is allowed to happen, it means
the software development team did not fight hard enough for what they knew
was necessary.

— Uncle bob

On ending, he advises us to fight for the architecture, although the pressures to put a system in production and remind that we are also a stakeholder of this software; it was that you were hired.

Today I'm beginning to read the part IV, chapter 12. I'm thinking to try writing about parts instead of chapter. Thus, I can read more and blog a more worth content.

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment, correct me or just say a hi. 😄

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