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Where and how to become a self-taught designer/developer✍(and many other areas)

Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫 on November 19, 2019

Hello, users! 👋 Today I want to share with all of you a list of platforms and courses that helped me become a self-taught designer/developer, and ...
stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

I'll just say this about formal education:

Mine was all but worthless, and the included screenshot of my LinkedIn edu/certs sections will cover that further. As I'm also sick of employers obsessing over it when other factors are so much more important, it's my way of doing my part to push for change:

LinkedIn Education and Certifications sections

Furthermore, from a hiring perspective, I've found that self-teaching is SO much more important in the devs I hire than their (formal) educational background (or lack thereof). I've also found that boot camp graduates often outperform grads from even some of the best CS degree programs.

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

Oh, one more thing: It's CRIMINAL that so many college core required classes have higher workloads than major classes.

anortef profile image
Adrián Norte

You should NEVER replace formal and official education for online platforms and courses, even though both are complementary. I never had enough money to pay official education and I had to rely on this kind of self-taught methods to get a job and keep growing until I could pay my formal education.

I have to disagree with that statement. Formal and/or official education is one way to get knowledge but self-taught is equally valid for tech.

I have been working for more than 10 years with people from very different backgrounds and as far as I can tell the only thing that made a difference was the passion for tech, neither having a degree, nor being self-taught or having gone to a Bootcamp.

nineismine profile image

I think for max success a mix of both is probably best! Sure you can make it in tech without any sort of degree, but there is probably a ceiling for how you can go in a large company without a degree of any sort.

helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

Hi Adrián, thank you so much for your response.

I don't know how your way into tech was or if you have formal education yourself, however, as discussed here, and as for my experience, most companies will shut their doors if they don't see higher education in your CV.

Don't get me wrong. I don't have any higher education myself more than high school and I've been developing for Smart Cities, but if you aim higher, they won't care only about your passion.

anortef profile image
Adrián Norte

I do not have any formal education in the tech field. What I did to enter was just go to a desperate enough startup.

Maybe is something of Barcelona but most companies seem to not care about that.

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helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

That's exactly what I'm mentioning, I'm not saying that formal education will make you smarter but definitely will give you a work in a big company to start with, and probably with a decent salary.

As for my experience in Barcelona, not having a higher education made companies shut their doors to me even though I've been developing in the AI field/Smart City area/Designing smart solutions from scratch.

Maybe you were just lucky and the companies trusted you, but honestly, that isn't happening often and it's a mistake to say that being self-taught is enough, you'll need a lot more or... Just luck!

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ciberninjas profile image
Visit me on 🐦 @ciberninjas

Sin formación reglada, ni padrinos. La entrada que te queda en España son los denominados BootCamp, que básicamente pagas por hacer enlaces con empresas, tras una especie de masterclass durante equis semanas.

Aunque hace poco. Leí, un chico que para vender estos BootCamps y como vía de defensa de ellos; citaba. Que el mismo había entrada como profesor auxiliar tras haber realizado el mismo.. Lo que te puede dejar entrever, el nivel que pueden existir en esos Bootcamps..

Desde luego lo que citaba este chico, no es para una demostración de calidad del personal.Más bien, el hecho real de que dentro del mundo de la tecnología actual, sobre todo entre las StartUps se entra y asciente más por tus dotes sociales y ganas de trabajar; que por tus conocimientos; ya cada uno puede tener su propia opinión sobre si eso, es positivo o no.

Dicho esto, con un poco de suerte. Es bastante fácil de que a través de Linkedin te encuentra alguna "cárnica" del sector e incluso alguna StartUp, hasta a mi me han ofrecido algún puesto en su día; apenas sin conocer mis conocimientos.. Eso ya depende de si deseas muchas horas sin cobrar y en equipo majo, o si deseas trabajar de esclavo y cobrando bien.

Me extraña que si eres de Barcelona, no te salga ningún tipo de trabajo, aunque sea en prácticas; a poco que demuestres unos conocimientos básicos..

laasrinadiaa profile image
Nadia Laasri

FreeCodeCamp is a good resource too, many challenges are there for developers and you can get a certificate at the end of the challenges :D

ciberninjas profile image
Visit me on 🐦 @ciberninjas

Expressly for web development, freecodecamp is the best resource that can exist.. 100% 😻

helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

Definitely going to try it! Thank you for your recommendation!

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

egghead and pluralsight are also well-known quality resources

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helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

Going to check it too, thank you again for all your contributions, Jean!

sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr

Most of my skills/experience come from informal channels/projects/tutorials.

I find courses and school boring, and i cannot concentrate during lectures, or remember what was said after.

If courses work for you great, but for the people who have a hard time learning still, try focusing on projects instead, and then start simple. :)

On top of that, projects are free, and they teach you how to look up what you need.

helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

Hello Sebastian, thank you for your comment.

I think I don't really understand your point, I posted in this article literally a list of informal channels, projects, tutorials and so on that you can perfectly find online, as an extra.

Actually there are a lot of places, like Udemy and Doméstika, where courses are literally focused about only building a project for your portfolio. Courses are not all about learning the skill, though, but also about building something with it.

Also a lot of these resources I posted are totally free... I don't really know what you mean, but thank you for reading and commenting.

sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr • Edited

Sorry, i might have compressed my comment too much.. -.-'

My intention was to add that courses/school is not the only way to do self tutoring.

I was using my self as an example.

I’ll rephrase:

In my experience interest based projects that do not follow a recipe usually gives better results.

The reasoning being you are forced to learn how to research problems and the memory is retained better, in my experience.

If it came off as a jab on the article, then I am sorry, it’s a great list, and the notes mighty useful! :)

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helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

Thank you for your sincere words again, Sebastian!

In my experience I'm not able to create for example, any project by just reading the documentation (as a lot of documentation is poorly explained and lack in useful examples), so I often explore many courses and create my own projects after my doubts were clear and answered.

I agree that problem-searching by yourself will teach you a lot, but I've seen myself googling through responses that weren't useful or were outdated and I think that's a problem when trying to do something from scratch.

Although I found out that sometimes it is better to first understand, study, and then do, because the 'but it works!' doesn't mean always that it works correctly...

Thank you again for sharing your experience!

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sebbdk profile image
Sebastian Vargr • Edited

I concur, these are problems i have faced as well. :)

In regards to bad documentation, a good tip is to learn how to dive into the source for answers.

It seems daunting at first, but after a few dives it becomes more manageable, the quicker one learns this habit the better, as it lessons your reliance on explanations prepared. On top of that it teaches you how other people write code.

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ciberninjas profile image
Visit me on 🐦 @ciberninjas

Sometimes, the problem of documentation. It is cumbersome to find her. The solution is Zeal, DevDocs, Dash o Velocity.. You can even include this within your editor such as in Visual Studio Code 🙈

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard • Edited

Additional recommendation:

If you want to learn iOS or Android, I highly recommend Ray Wenderlich

It's a reference in the iOS world. One friend who is lead developer iOS told me that it was the #3 website for learning iPhone, just behind Apple and Stack Overflow.

More recently they started to also cover Kotlin and Android. And unless you like the terrible documentation from the Android Framework team I would start here instead.

ciberninjas profile image
Visit me on 🐦 @ciberninjas

Good job, it looks great. Paid, but great 😻😻😻

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

UDEMY: BUT WOAH, hold on, haven't you seen those prices!? It's okay, worry not. They have incredible sales almost every week, where a 199€ course will cost 11€ or lower.

If I may be cynical one moment:

Those are not incredible sales, those are the real prices.

The 199€ price tag is just there to help you believe that those courses are incredibly valuable.

This is a technique called "Price anchoring".

helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

Hello Jean, thank you for your comment.

I don't think I'm saying anywhere that either 11 or 199 are good/real/x prices, I just wanted to clarify that the prices go lower every week in their sales, so new users don't give up when they see those prices.

I'm not going into marketing politics here, I'm just sharing useful resources.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Yes, it was not against you!
I wanted to add that I put more trust in companies that have a transparent pricing scheme.

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helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

Ah that's of course.

I posted every platform and course where I literally put my money (except for Crehana, as said), but I understand trust issues are everyone's own bussiness.

Thank you again for your sincere opinion!

ciberninjas profile image
Visit me on 🐦 @ciberninjas • Edited


helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

Gracias por tu comentario

nineismine profile image

Hi there!
Great list! I have not heard of Solo Learn but im going to give it a try!

helleworld_ profile image
Desiré 👩‍🎓👩‍🏫

Hello there!

I hope you'll find it useful :)