DEV Community

Discussion on: How to retry transactions in Sequelize

headwinds profile image
brandon flowers

so far this is the best article I've found while searching for postgres connection errors - much thanks for writing it up!

have you experimented with that max connection limit? <-- older thread from 2014 mentions an "Infinity" option - just curious if dialling it up more would help with connecting?! Or do you think it 3 is still fine for production.

Also, sometimes I run into the "too many connections" error when trying to connect to ElephantSQL from Vercel (serverless) - do you have recommendations on how to config your pool object or this retry object based on a serverless architecture?

Is this retry issue best addressed on the server? It seems that is but would it also make sense to retry from the client as well? The client could wait and then timeout after say 3 seconds, and try again providing feedback to the user.

Basically, I would rather have my users wait (and understand why they are waiting) then receive a connection error.