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Hasan Zohdy
Hasan Zohdy

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56-Nodejs Course 2023: Creating our own Response Class Layer

So we have updated our Request class in our previous article to be more organized and we also implemented the request events as well, we need to implement now the response events but there will be a single issue here, that the developer (us or anyone else uses this code) can use the Fastify response object to send the response directly,and does not return anything in the handler.

So we need to stop that from happening, we also need to strict the handler to always return a value, either an object or an array or the our response class.

But let's first create it.

Response Class

Go to src/core/http and create response.ts file and add the following code:

// src/core/http/response.ts

import { FastifyReply } from 'fastify';

export class Response {
   * Fastify response object
  protected baseResponse: FastifyReply;

const response = new Response();

export default response;
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As usual, we defined a class and exported it, also we created a new instance for it to be used directly in anywhere in our application.

Now let's add a method that can receive the FastifyReply object and set it to our class property.

// src/core/http/response.ts
import { FastifyReply } from "fastify";

export class Response {
   * Fastify response object
  protected baseResponse!: FastifyReply;

   * Set the Fastify response object
  setResponse(response: FastifyReply) {
    this.baseResponse = response;

    return this;

const response = new Response();

export default response;
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We defined a method that receives Fastify response object and return this for chaining.

Now let's update the request class to use the response class.

// src/core/http/request.ts
import response, { Response } from "./response";
import { FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from "fastify";

export class Request {
  // ...

   * Response Object
   * Replace the current one with this
  protected response: Response = response;

   * Set Fastify response
  public setResponse(response: FastifyReply) {

    return this;
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Here we replaced the fastify response object with our response class, and we also updated the setResponse method to use the setResponse method in our response class.

Response Methods

Now, let's see what methods and properties we need to implement in our response class.

  • status: To set the status code.
  • setContentType: To set the content type.
  • send: To send the response.
  • sendFile: To send a file as a response.
  • success: To send a success response.
  • successCreate: To send a success response with status code 201.
  • badRequest: To send a bad request response with status code 400.
  • notFound: To send a not found response with status code 404.
  • unauthorized: To send an unauthorized response with status code 401.
  • forbidden: To send a forbidden response with status code 403.
  • serverError: To send an error response with status code 500.
  • header: To set the response header.
  • headers: to set multiple headers.
  • getHeaders: To get the response headers.
  • getHeader: To get a specific header.
  • removeHeader: To remove a specific header.
  • getResponseTime: To get the response time.
  • redirect: To redirect the user to another route.
  • on: To listen to a specific event.
  • trigger: To trigger a specific event (protected method).

Too many methods right? But useful onces and we will implement them one by one.

Now let's define the public properties aka the getters that we'll allow:

  • statusCode: To get the status code.
  • contentType: To get the content type.
  • sent: To check if the response is sent or not.

Now let's implement all off them.


// src/core/http/response.ts
import { FastifyReply } from "fastify";

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Set the status code
  public status(statusCode: number) {

    return this;
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Set the content type
  public setContentType(contentType: string) {
    this.baseResponse.header("Content-Type", contentType);

    return this;
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Send the response
  public send(data: any, statusCode = 200) {

    return this;
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// src/core/http/response.ts
import fs from "fs";

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Send a file as a response
  public sendFile(path: string) {
    if (! fs.existsSync(path)) {
      throw new Error(`Response Send Failed:  File not found: ${path}`);

    const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(path);


    return this;
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Send a success response
  public success(data: any) {
    return this.send(data);
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Send a success response with status code 201
  public successCreate(data: any) {
    return this.send(data, 201);
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Send a bad request response with status code 400
  public badRequest(data: any) {
    return this.send(data, 400);
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Send a not found response with status code 404
  public notFound(data: any) {
    return this.send(data, 404);
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Send an unauthorized response with status code 401
  public unauthorized(data: any) {
    return this.send(data, 401);
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Send a forbidden response with status code 403
  public forbidden(data: any) {
    return this.send(data, 403);
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Send an error response with status code 500
  public serverError(data: any) {
    return this.send(data, 500);
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Set the response header
  public header(key: string, value: string) {
    this.baseResponse.header(key, value);

    return this;
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Set multiple headers
  public headers(headers: Record<string, string>) {

    return this;
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Get the response headers
  public getHeaders() {
    return this.baseResponse.getHeaders();
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Get a specific header
  public getHeader(key: string) {
    return this.baseResponse.getHeader(key);
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Remove a specific header
  public removeHeader(key: string) {

    return this;
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Get the response time
  public getResponseTime() {
    return this.baseResponse.getResponseTime();
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Redirect the user to another route
  public redirect(url: string, statusCode = 302) {
    this.baseResponse.redirect(statusCode, url);

    return this;
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Get the status code
  public get statusCode() {
    return this.baseResponse.statusCode;
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Get the content type
  public get contentType() {
    return this.baseResponse.getHeader("Content-Type");
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// src/core/http/response.ts

export class Response {
  // ...

   * Check if the response has been sent
  public get sent() {
    return this.baseResponse.sent;
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We've now updated our file with mostly all the methods we need to work with the response. We can now use these methods in our controller to send a response to the user.

Now we need to update the route's handler type to receive the response as second argument and the middleware as well, also the custom validation and make sure to return a proper response.

But first let's define a proper response type for our API.

// src/core/http/types.ts

 * Allowed response type
export type ReturnedResponse =
   * Can be a response object
  | Response
   * Or a promise returning a response object
  | Promise<Response>
   * Or an object
  | Record<string, any>
   * Or a promise returning an object
  | Promise<Record<string, any>>
   * Or an array
  | any[]
   * Or a promise returning an array
  | Promise<any[]>;
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Here we allowed three types of response, our response object, or a plain object or an array or a promise returning any of these types, thus the handler can not return anything else.

Now let's update the route's handler type.

// src/core/router/types.ts
import { Request } from "core/http/request";
import { Response } from "core/http/response";
import { ReturnedResponse } from "core/http/types";

 * Middleware method
 * Receives the request and response objects
 * And returns a response object or undefined if the request should continue
export type Middleware = (
  request: Request,
  response: Response,
) => ReturnedResponse | undefined;

 * Route handler receives a request and a response
 * And returns a returning response type
export type RouteHandler = {
   * Function Declaration
  (request: Request, response: Response): ReturnedResponse;

   * Validation static object property which can be optional
  validation?: {
     * Validation rules
    rules?: Record<string, any>;
     * Validation custom message
    validate?: Middleware;

export type RouteOptions = {
   * Route middleware
  middleware?: Middleware[];
   * Route name
  name?: string;

 * Route Object
export type Route = RouteOptions & {
   * Route method
  method: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "PATCH";
   * Route path
  path: string;
   * Route handler
  handler: RouteHandler;
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We defined a new type RouteHandler as with a function declaration and a static property validation which is optional and can be an object with two properties rules and validate which are also optional.

You will notice that the RouteHandler almost identical to the Middleware type, the only difference is that the Middleware returns a ReturnedResponse or undefined while the RouteHandler returns a ReturnedResponse only.

Now go to the request class and hover on the handler or the middleware, you'll see now its fully typed!!

Now let's update the route methods to accept RouteHandler as the handler as type.

// src/core/router/index.ts

import { Route, RouteHandler, RouteOptions } from "./types";

export class Router {
  // ...
   * Add get request method
  public get(path: string, handler: RouteHandler, options: RouteOptions = {}) {
      method: "GET",

    return this;

   * Add post request method
  public post(path: string, handler: RouteHandler, options: RouteOptions = {}) {
      method: "POST",

    return this;

   * Add put request method
  public put(path: string, handler: RouteHandler, options: RouteOptions = {}) {
      method: "PUT",

    return this;

   * Add delete request method
  public delete(
    path: string,
    handler: RouteHandler,
    options: RouteOptions = {},
  ) {
      method: "DELETE",

    return this;

   * Add patch request method
  public patch(
    path: string,
    handler: RouteHandler,
    options: RouteOptions = {},
  ) {
      method: "PATCH",

    return this;
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We updated the route methods to accept RouteHandler as the handler type.

Now our code is ready to be used, our Response class is now more powerful and can adapt the events architecture, this is what we'll do in our next article.

🎨 Conclusion

In this article we've created our Response class to manage how the response will be sent, we've also updated the route's handler type to receive the response as second argument and the middleware as well, also the custom validation and make sure to return a proper response.

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