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Discussion on: React Hooks | My Package

gusyavo profile image

This is very useful, thank you! Could you give an exmple on how to implement the useDebounce hook?

daxsoft profile image
Michael Willian Santos

Sure thing, dude:
Example using the 'search box logic'. For each word that the users set on search box, it will delay by 750 ms to update the logic (in this case, a new request to the database)

const [search, setSearch] = useState<string>("")
const debounceSearchValue = useDebounce(() => search, 750);
const isSearchValid = useMemo<boolean>(
        () =>  search.length > 0,
useEffect(() => {
        if (isSearchValid) {
            // stuffs..
}, [debounceSearchValue]);
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gusyavo profile image

Thanks a lot for your answer. I am new to react hooks, so there is one thing I don't quite understand. Can you debounce a function instead of a value? I need to debounce a function (that makes a request to an API and sets a state with the answer) each time a state (a kind of complex object) changes. I am not sure if that is what the example shows.

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daxsoft profile image
Michael Willian Santos

You are welcome :)
Sure thing you can debounce a function, on the example that I have give you, I have put a value because the state itself isn't a function. But you can use a function, however, this function need to return a value that will be changed (to get debounced)