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Discussion on: Alright on to ruby and boy oh boy!?!?

gumatias profile image
Gustavo Matias • Edited

I think you're on the right track.

You're correct when it comes to the concept of "building something from almost nothing" or "a template that itself has no real value yet". So you have a "thing" that you can create something more concrete out of it. Or less abstract.

For example, in Ruby you could go to your IRB console and create an object by entering You didn't really pass any actual data and it wouldn't give you anything really substantial. But still you got yourself one object built out of a class.

React components too can be a simple as having not much. Like an empty string or a <div/> that you don't need to pass anything in order to build it. But still you got something more concrete that you can play with somewhere.

Hopefully that made more sense rather than confuse you more :)

danielarmbruster0314 profile image

I think I understood, a react component is a more flexible peace of modular data at base creation making it easier to manipulate when compared to ruby object(Hash). Ty