DEV Community

Discussion on: A Simple(ish) Application of Javascript Generators in React w/ Redux

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Glenn Stovall • Edited

for the issue with state being Async, you can also use a callback function to ensure you are setting it to the correct value.

    function* nextVideo(array){
      let nextVideo = null
      while(this.state.counter < array.length) {
        this.setState((prevState) => {
            nextVideo = array[prevState.counter + 1]
            return { counter: prevState.counter + 1 }
        yield nextVideo
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Anton Bagdatyev (Tonix-Tuft) • Edited

You are yielding null initially on the very first iteration. Therefore I guess this code won't work because of this test:

  useGenerator = () => {
    this.setState({ generatedObj: this.createVideoGenerator().next() }, () => {
      if(!this.state.generatedObj.value){ // <--- this.state.generatedObj.value will be null instead of the first yielded video React element