DEV Community

Discussion on: Which visual studio code extension is the best for creating todo/bookmarks?

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I'm not sure if you're aware, but I guess its worth mentioning. I've had the same issue -- still haven't found a great tool that solves each part of the problem. So I kind of went another way.

I currently use two tools to help make my TODOs stand out in my editor.

  1. Better Comments: Does exactly what it says. Takes your comments and gives them a better syntax highlight, making them stand apart from the rest.

  2. TODO Highlight - It highlights the word "TODO:" inside of any comment, making that stand out even further.

For your purposes where you want to pull up each todo inside a project or file, I suggest just doing a search through the entire project for "TODO" via the "Find in Files" menu option to using the shortcut mac: (SHIFT + CMD + F) / pc: (SHIFT + CRTL + F). Search for the word "TODO" and you'll get every todo in the document.

Kind of a round about way, but then again I really don't use TODOs as often as I thought I would. Maybe it's because I've found my work around to be a bit cumbersome, but in either case, maybe this will help someone. Good Luck.