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Discussion on: My Nvim setup process

gr8arty profile image
Artyom • Edited

I switched over from vim to neovim lately, I like it more now because of some handy plugins, like Telescope.
And as to personalization, my personal choice when it comes to the font is and regarding theming I prefer, a perfect combo!

Oh, and I love this smoothie scrolling as well

And this is my favourite plugin so far
But sure, there're way more...

kexposito profile image
Kevin Expósito • Edited

Sweet ! I tried gruvbox but I could't get used to. But I would like to try it again right now :P. Regarding Vim-smoothie That's new for me! What I use for scrolling is:

set scrolloff=10 " Allow 10 lines margin when scrolling

I never tried harpoon but I need to! (Primeagen <3)

gr8arty profile image

Yep, it takes time to finally find out your favorite theme...
but I like many things that Primeagen advice xD

and just in case, here are my mappings for harpoon plugin:

< leader >a :lua require("harpoon.mark").add_file()
< leader >h :lua require("harpoon.ui").toggle_quick_menu()
< leader >o :lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_next()
< leader >i :lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_prev()