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Goran Brkuljan
Goran Brkuljan

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Check out MicroCosmos.JS: Experimental high-performance HTTP/2 API framework

Hello everyone!

MicroCosmos.js is a Proof of Concept HTTP/2 Node.js API framework. Right now, It supports automatic routing, params, server-sent events and it follows convention over configuration.

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Experimental Node 15 (ES6) HTTP/2 API Framework 🚀🌌


Experimental High Performance HTTP/2 API Framework For Node.js 15 (ES6)

Example Microcosmos.js Project with simple Actions and SSE

Get started:

npm install microcosmos.js --save
  • Add "type": "module" in package.json.

  • Generate local certificate for HTTP/2

    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -subj '/CN=localhost' -keyout localhost-privkey.pem -out localhost-cert.pem
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  • Create applications actions for shared actions logic /actions/ApplicationsActions.js

    import { MicroAction } from 'microcosmos.js';
    export default class ApplicationActions extends MicroAction {
      // Here we put common logic for our app Action Stores
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  • Sample Action Store: /actions/UserActions.js

    import ApplicationActions from './ApplicationsActions.js';
    export default class UserActions extends ApplicationActions {
      static get routeName() {
        return 'users';
      show() {
        this.render.json({ message: 'Hello from /users/show' });
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  • Add Following to entry point of app e.g. index.js

    import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
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In just few lines of code write API actions like this:

export default class UserActions extends MicroAction {
  static get routeName() {
    return 'users';

  show() {
    this.render.json({ message: 'Hello from /users/show' });
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Lib automatically initializes action stores from actions/ folder in the root directory. You can map the action store by using static getter routeName, so in the preceding sample action show() will be mapped to https://localhost:3000/users/show.


Params object can be accessed by using this.params, so if we need urlSearchParams we access it by this.params.searchParams.

Third part of the path is matched as id within params, so if we have path https://localhost:3000/users/show/42 we can access 42 by:

show() {; // 42
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On HTTP POST request we can access data object by using

async create() {; // {}
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Microcosmos also supports Server-Sent Events, and those depend on Redis. If Redis has an additional configuration, it should be exported as an object from conifg/redis.js within a project.

To join SSE we use: this.streamer.join('namespace', within Action Stores.
To Emit SSE we use: this.streamer.emitEvent('namespace', data)

export default class UserActions extends ApplicationActions {
  static get routeName() {
    return 'users'

  // Join for SSE
  joinEvent() {

  // Emit SSE
  emitEvent() {
    this.streamer.emitEvent('user_event', this.params.searchParams.get('event'));
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To listen for events for 'user_event' on client side you do:

// chrome console
const event = new EventSource('/users/joinEvent');
event.onmessage = (event) => console.log(;
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and you can go to open https://localhost:3000/users/emitEvent?event=helloFromUserEvent in the new tab, and every time you hit this link it should output "helloFromUserEvent" in the console.

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