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Discussion on: How to earn more as a Freelancer

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Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀 • Edited

@ntare_guy Points made are well taken but It is never easy to predict how many sales a website will make and even if it is this should not be folllowed blindly as the calculated price can drive potential customers away.

Lets say a local Ferrari dealear comes to you for an improved presentational website of latest ferrari models. The cheapest Ferrari I believe is above $250K. Lets assume the dealer is able to sell 1 extra Ferrari per month after website improvements. You can not blindly charge $250K for improving a presentational website unless you are going to deliver some miraculous improvements. The owner would probably get 2-3 different offers and if you are the one with extrordinarily high price you are probably never going to hear from them again.

My personal approach over the years would be to have a set hourly rate in mind and estimate the time it would take me for the project and weight in some unforseen delays and revisions (+30% to %100 extra hours) and give the customer a fixed price based on the hours but without telling hours or hourly rate. Over the years or over the course of the same year (if you feel comfident) you can raise that hourly rate but it should come with your experience which can be delivered to the client without them realizing.

In some rare cases I would use my calculated price as lower bound and the potential sales improvements as upper bound price limit before arriving to my final offer ;-)

My 2 cents