DEV Community

Discussion on: GitHub has acquired npm

george profile image
George Nance

I have very mixed feelings on this. Microsoft controlling such a large part of JS eco system (Not to mention Github and VSCode) is a bit scary. It takes away from the spirit of what NPM was. Even Github now has a dirty taste to it. Even if some will argue MS has made it better. Call me a rebel or open source junkie, but I believe that this will be a major shift in the JS economy going forward.

I long for the day when technology allows us to build systems like NPM without needing rely on any outside business to fund it.

yuanhao profile image
YuanHao Chiang • Edited

It is true that it's scary when a big corporation owns too much of anything. But it was not just buying big players, they built VS Code and as far as I know didn't cheat anyone into using. It if were crap, no one would use it.

joshuajarman profile image
Joshua Jarman • Edited

The great thing about open source is no one owns it. MS bought the company behind npm, but if they do anything people don't like they can take the code for themselves and do something different. MS will likely impact what the npm organization does, and that will impact the users of npm, but there is a reason open source is so freaking fantastic, it offers some protections against these very fears, imho.

There is Yarn, but that's Facebook, also a big company.

s0xzwasd profile image
Daniil Maslov

The worst thing that can happen: all tools will only work on Windows OS πŸ˜‚