DEV Community

Jenn's Guide to Thriving in Tech

Jenn on January 08, 2019

Over the past few months I've had the opportunity to mentor several different people. I have compiled this list of my "greatest hits" from those co...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hate writing emails? Use a script!

I'd love to hear more specific details on this one (perhaps a standalone post?)

geekgalgroks profile image

I'll add that to my queue of things to write.

rohanmaloney profile image
Rohan Maloney

omg please blog about scripting emails. Even It was using a context menu to use the most written phrases.

ranelpadon profile image

Sometimes you can't see how far you have come until you help someone else.

Nice one.

alexf0101 profile image
Alex Friedman

Hang on, IRC still exists?!

aghost7 profile image
Jonathan Boudreau

1000% on #4. Its not going to happen unless you take the initiative to drive the change. The only thing to watch out is if you're new to the company they might not forgive easily.