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Discussion on: Remote Interviewing Tips for Developers

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Flavio Wuensche • Edited

Nice! There's an article about Optimizing for Usefulness that I really like and one of the examples it uses fits perfectly to your question:

Another useful heuristic that I’ve learned is the idea that debugging activity is indicative of broader programming ability. Or, to put this more accurately: a programmer with good debugging skills might not be a great programmer, but a programmer with bad debugging skills can never be a good one. It took a while to come to this realization, but then all sorts of useful implications presented themselves. One useful implication is that in order to become a better programmer, it pays to work on your debugging skills. But a more useful implication would be that we could use this insight for hiring.

As a result of this idea, we reconfigured our screening tests at my previous company and gave all candidates a buggy program to debug as a first test. If the candidate had real trouble debugging, we cut the interview short. It made our hiring a lot more efficient overall.