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Discussion on: A common coding interview question

firee80 profile image

Hi! I wrote a solution that should be able to handle n-number of lines.
Also it does not care if there are duplicate numbers or they are out of order.
It just uses .map and .reduce.. probably it still could be optimized by using Set.

const lines = ['1,2,3,4,5,6', '2,4,6,7,8,9,10', '1,2,3,4,5,6,8']

const mapArrayToHashTable = items => {
  return items.reduce((last, item) => ({...last, [''+item]: item}), {}) 

const getHashTable = line => {
  const textNumbers = line.split(',')
  const numbers = => parseInt(number))
  return mapArrayToHashTable(numbers)

const [firstTable, ...otherTables] =

const result = otherTables.reduce((last, table) => {
  const keyObjs = Object.keys(table).map(key => last[key] ? {[key]: last[key]} : {})
  return keyObjs.reduce((last, keyObj) => ({...last, ...keyObj}), {})
}, firstTable)

console.log(Object.values(result)) // returns [2,4,6]