DEV Community

Felipe Leao
Felipe Leao

Posted on

How to unzip .zip files from s3 bucket back to s3

The problem

  • Get an .zip file provided from s3 bucket and upload the extracted folder and its content back to s3 bucket

The solution

  • Built an npm package that gets an .zip file from s3 and create streams, with that you can do whatever you want with the extracted content.

  • You can check more and contribute to our package in: s3-zip-handler

built-in possibilities

  • Send extracted folder back to s3 bucket

import AWS from 'aws-sdk'
import s3ZipHandler, { IS3ZipFileParams } from 's3-zip-handler'

const s3Client = new AWS.S3({
...your s3 settings

const s3Config: IS3ZipFileParams = {
    bucket: 'your-s3-bucket',
    key: 'your-s3-key/',
    params: {
      ACL: 'public-read',
      ContentDisposition: 'inline'

const {
} = await s3ZipHandler.decompressToKeyFolderS3(s3Config)

// localPath = 'os-tmp/unzipped-xxxx/your-zip-file'
// uploadedPath  = 'your-s3-bucket/your-s3-key/your-zip-file'

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  • Manipulate locally the extracted folder
import s3ZipHandler from 's3-zip-handler'
import AWS from 'aws-sdk'

const s3Client = new AWS.S3({
    ...your s3 settings

const s3Config = {
    bucket: 'your-s3-bucket',
    key: 'your-s3-key/'

const {
 } = await s3ZipHandler.decompressLocal(s3Config, 'path-to-extract')

// localPath = 'path-to-extract/your-zip-file'

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Oldest comments (2)

brunosoares99 profile image
Bruno Soares

Nice, awesome project!

felipeleao18 profile image
Felipe Leao
