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Excel Formulas to Return the Empty or Blank Value with IF Function!!

For instance, if the cell is blank, then you might want to sum, count, copy a value from another cell, or do nothing. In these scenarios, your first choice is to use the ISBLANK function to solve this problem. But here, we will provide some cute formula to get the same result in Excel. This formula is based on the IF function , and it will return the blank or empty value based on the result. Get an official version of ** MS Excel** from the following link:

Return blank with IF function
Return blank with IF function

Generic Formula:

  • To return the blank value in the cell, use the below formula.

=IF(Value=Criteria, Result 1,””)

Syntax Explanations:

  • IF – In Excel, the IF function helps to return one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result.
  • Value – It represents the input value of the cell.
  • Criteria – It is the given criteria.
  • Result – It is the value that is displayed in the selected cell
  • Comma symbol (,) – It is a separator that helps to separate a list of values.
  • Parenthesis () – The main purpose of this symbol is to group the elements.

Practical Example:

Refer to the below example image.

  • Here we will enter the input values in Column B and Column C.

Input Ranges
Input Ranges

  • Then, apply the above-given formula to the formula bar section and press the “Enter” key.

Enter the formula
Enter the formula

  • Finally, it will display the result in the selected cell.



Hope you like this article on how to return empty or blank in Excel by using the IF function. If you feel this article is useful, don’t forget to share your worthwhile feedback in the below comment box. Thank you so much for visiting our site!! To learn more, check out Geek Excel *and Excel Formulas *!!

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