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Excel Formulas to Check the Cell Value Based on IF Else Condition!!

The IF Function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Logical Function. Sometimes, you need to test the values based on certain conditions and then return the result for both True and False results. Do you have any good methods for solving this task in Excel? In this article, I introduce some formulas which can quickly solve this IF else condition in Excel.

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If Else
If Else

General Formula:

  • To test a condition, and take one action if the condition is TRUE, and another action if the condition is FALSE, use the below formula.

=IF(test value, true result, false result)

Syntax Explanations:

  • IF – In Excel, the IF function helps to return one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result.
  • Test Value – It is the input data from your worksheet.
  • Comma symbol (,) – It is a separator that helps to separate a list of values.
  • Parenthesis () – The main purpose of this symbol is to group the elements.


Refer to the below example image.

  • First, we will enter the input value in Column B and Column C.

Input Ranges
Input Ranges

  • Then, apply the above-given formula to the formula bar section and press the “Enter” key.

Enter the formula
Enter the formula

  • Finally, we will get the results in the selected cell.



On this page, we have described the simple way to test the cell value with the If else condition and return the values based on its result Excel. Please feel free to state your query or feedback for the above article. To learn more, check out *Geek Excel **and Excel Formulas *!! **

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