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Convert Date to Month & Year Only in Excel Office 365!!

In Excel, you can quickly get the Month and Year from a date. If you want to know how to do that? Then we are here to assist you to know the steps. Let’s see some simple instructions to Convert Date to Month & Year Only in Excel Office 365 using TEXT Function. Get into this article!!

Definition and Syntax of TEXT Function:

  • The TEXT Function in Excel converts a number to text in the given format.
  • If you want to combine numbers with symbols/ text, or you want to display numbers in a more readable format, then this function will be useful in those situations.

=TEXT(value, format_text)

Argument Explanation:

  • Value – A number that you want to convert into text.
  • Format_text – The format that you want to apply to the given value.

Practical Example:

Let’s see an example to make it clear how it works.

  • Here, we are going to change the date ( mm-dd-yyyy ) to yyyy-mm format.
  • To achieve this, we will use the Text function with this format code (yyyy-mm).
  • You can apply the below formula to get the month and year from the specific date.

=TEXT(date,”yyyy mm”)

  • You can see that the formula is entered in cell B3 and the input date is given in cell B2.

Type the Formula
Type the Formula

  • After applying the formula, you need to click the Enter button to get the result.
  • Refer to the below screenshot.


Convert Date to Month and Year with Format Cell:

You can change the data to month and year with the help of the format cell option. To do this, follow the below steps.

  • First, you need to select the cell that you want to display a date with the year and month.

Select a cell
Select a cell

  • Then right-click on the cell and select the Format Cells option from the menu.

Select Format Cells option
Select Format Cells option

  • On the Number Tab, you need to select the Custom Category on the left pane.
  • You need to enter the format “yyyy-mm” in the Type box.

Format Cells Dialog Box
Format Cells Dialog Box

  • Click the OK option to see the result as shown in the below image.


More Format Codes:

The below-given table will help to know more format codes in Excel formatting. Make use of it.

| Format


Description Examples
0 It will display the digits in their place. It can force the function to display at least two decimal places. =TEXT(18.3012, “$##.00”)

Output = $18.30

| # | This will display the placeholder. |

=TEXT(5.678, “#.##”)

Output = 5.66

| . | It shows the position of the decimal point. | =TEXT(45.4, “0.00”)

Output = 45.40

| d | Represents the day of the month or day of the week. | =TEXT(TODAY(), “dddd”)

Output = Monday

| m | It refers to the month of the year. | =TEXT(TODAY(), “MM/DD/YY”)

Output = 01/04/21

| y | Year | =TEXT(TODAY(), “MM/DD/YY”)

Output = 01/04/21

| h | Hour is represented by one or two-digit number. | =TEXT(15:20, “hh:mm”)

Output = 15:20

| m | Minute | =TEXT(14:15, “hh:mm”)

Output = 14:15

| s | Second | Nil |

End of the Article:

In this short article, you can easily learn the instructions to Convert Date to Year and Month Only in Excel Office 365 using TEXT Function. If you have any queries/suggestions, kindly drop it in the below comment box. Thanks for visiting Geek Excel!! Keep Learning!!

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