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React vs Vue: Which one is better in terms of Performance & Memory Consumption?

React was developed in order to address specific Facebook needs, and remains to be handled by the tech firm. There were certain doubts about the license to React in the past; currently, however, the tool operates under the MIT License, making it open source. The corporate backing of React, particularly from such a significant figure, signifies stability in the long run and indicates that React will continue to be developed with long-term support.

Vue.js is an open-source framework for building complex UI. It enhances a lot of concepts. Vue is marketed as a progressive platform that means you can migrate your existing projects one feature at a time. Vue can go between a lightweight library and a full-fledged system, depending on your needs.

Performance & Memory Consumption

There are two key metrics that decide an app's speed: start-up time and runtime performance.

Both libraries have tiny bundle sizes (31 KB for Vue/84.4 KB uncompressed and 32.5/101.2 KB for React) that speed up the initial load.

You check this benchmark for runtime performance, which compares startup times, allocation of memory, and the duration of operations for popular JS frameworks and libraries.

The efficiency of both libraries is outstanding. Vue is significantly better in memory allocation and startup times while React is a tad faster at runtime.

You shouldn't judge a library's performance based on benchmarks alone. The speed may differ considerably based on application size and your optimization efforts.

Both libraries have:

  • server-side rendering (SSR)
  • tree shaking
  • bundling

They even use a virtual DOM. Since it is a resource-intensive process to change the real DOM, the modifications are first applied to the virtual DOM.

The modification of a component state in React will re-render all of its child components.

You can use PureComponent, shouldComponentUpdate or immutable data structures to boost efficiency and performance. However, this technique may trigger inconsistencies in the DOM state in those rare instances where the render performance for child components is not managed by the component's props.

On the other hand, Vue monitors dependencies that prevent unwanted child component renderings.

As a beginner, React.js project development may seem challenging, but one can simplify the whole process by breaking down an application into smaller components. Try to focus on building one feature at a time, and keep connecting the dots as you move forward into the intricacies of development.

React.js Projects for Beginners

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