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Dirty Chains & Messy Nests

Having only recently started the full-time online software engineering course at Flatiron I am by no means an expert in my desired field... yet. However I learned very quickly that you can chain methods together almost endlessly in vanilla JavaScript. That can lead to some atrocious code:

document.createElement('button').innerText = document.querySelector('#input')
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Is one example of getting carried away chaining, that while effective, is not efficient. If you were to do the same code with variables, it looks much cleaner:

const myButton = document.createElement('button')
const buttonText = document.querySelector('#input')
myButton.innerText =
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Once I got the hang of breaking up my method chaining with variables I developed a new bad habit; making massive functions that did far to much. Typically I would write one function to do almost everything I wanted to accomplish in a feature. That frequently manifested in functions with no parameters, no callbacks, and endless nesting:

function doTheThing() {
    let myButton = document.createElement('button')
    let buttonText = document.querySelector('#input')
    myButton.innerText =
    myButton.addEventListener('mouseover' () => {
        myButton.innerText = "ready to click"
        myButton.addEventListener('click' () => {
            myButton.innerText = "clicked"
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That is an absolute mess but could easily be replaced using callbacks:

function doTheThing(theThing) {
    let myButton = document.createElement('button')
    let buttonText = document.querySelector('#input')
    myButton.innerText =
    myButton.addEventListener('mouseover', onMouseOver(theThing))

function onMouseOver(theThing) {
    myButton.innerText = "ready to click"
    myButton.addEventListener('click', onClick(onMouseOver))

function onClick(onMouseOver) {
    myButton.innerText = "clicked"
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Much better!

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