DEV Community

Discussion on: Gatsby and Netlify CMS: First Impressions

erquhart profile image
Shawn Erquhart

Awesome write up Brian, thanks for this! I work on Netlify CMS, and you're dead on - compatibility will be our next major focus, and Gatsby is up first. Stay tuned!

bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour • Edited

The devil is back again. Shawn, do you or anyone on your team know a good way to work around this, for now? I tried clearing my Gatsby cache and can send you min gatsby.config file if need be. This is prob the most frustrating part. Otherwise, I love using the CMS.

error GraphQL Error Field "cover" must not have a selection since type "String" has no subfields.

  file: /Users/brian/Dev/Projects/sotog/src/pages/chapters.js

  10 |           fields {
  11 |             slug
  12 |           }
  13 |           frontmatter {
  14 |             title
  15 |             date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY")
  16 |             description
  17 |             pdf {
  18 |               relativePath
  19 |             }
> 20 |             cover {
     |                   ^
  21 |               childImageSharp {
  22 |                 fluid {
  23 |                   ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid
  24 |                 }
  25 |               }
  26 |             }
  27 |           }
  28 |         }
  29 |       }
  30 |     }