DEV Community

Discussion on: Longtime devs: Have you rekindled your love of coding after losing the spark at any point in your career?

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Ellie Huxtable

Not sure if my career is long enough to weigh in here

I've been programming as a hobby for about 13 years now, in various different ways - professionally for around 2.5 years.

I find that every time it loses the spark for me, it's because of some kind of burnout. I'm lucky enough to never have hit the full force, career-stopping level, but I think that's also because I do my best to regularly take breaks.

I work full time, and also have several side projects. For me, things became more fun again when I removed pressure wherever I could. Before I did this professionally, I'd just code whatever I wanted. No expectation. No profit. Just "fun shit". That is what made me start with software, so sometimes rediscovering that can remind me of where the spark is

As soon as the goal becomes money, completing a sprint, providing business value... Sure, those things are valuable, but sometimes you need reminding of the art and creativity that brought you into the field in the first place :)

So go make something fun, remove pressure, just do whatever you want!