DEV Community

Discussion on: New MacBook Pro Dev Setup

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Eljay-Adobe • Edited

My core tools are Xcode, Python 3, Vim, Fira Code, LibreOffice, PyCharm CE, VLC, Visual Studio (formerly known as Xamarin; for .NET or Mono stuff).
I use out of the box, but with a brew bash.
A quick gander of brew: bash, boost, calc, cmake, coreutils, cscope, dmd, fdupes, findutils, gcc, gdbm, gettext, ghc, git, gmp, icu4c, ldc, llvm, lua, mit-scheme, pcre, readline, ripgrep, tidy-html5.
I don't use VSCode (but I see I've got it installed; it's v1.27.2 ... rather stale). Nothing against it, just don't use it. Likewise with Eclipse.
On my Windows box, I use Visual Studio.
The language I code in primarily these days are C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Python 3, Bash scripts. My lowkey languages are F#, C#, D, Swift, Lua, Scheme, CoffeeScript2, Elm, JavaScript, TypeScript.
What I miss most from my previous project which was in C#: TDD, NUnit, NCrunch, JetBrain's ReSharper, WPF, and Visual Studio. With NCrunch and NUnit ( would be a good alternative too), TDD was actually fun to do. Fun! Yes, I said fun.