DEV Community

Eduardo Villalpando Mello
Eduardo Villalpando Mello

Posted on

Introducing animated-web-components


Hello! I have recently began developing a library that uses web-components to wrap content and provide several basic animations. I am very excited and have big plans for the future, as I believe a lot of people can benefit from this.

This is my first time doing a project of this kind, and I would like to grow a community around it, where other people can share their ideas and help me grow the project.

If you're interested, please check it out here

Any type of feedback, comments and everything is greatly appreciated :D

A little backstory

Before the pandemic, I would often make my girlfriend (yup, I defied the programmer nature lol) hand-made popup greeting cards. I have always enjoyed the process of creating (be it programming, design and even origami), so I have a great time doing them. My girlfriend really likes them as well.

However, when the pandemic started, it became increasingly more difficult for us to see each other often. While I could make a physical card and ship it to her house, I wanted to challenge myself into doing something different (I also find constantly receiving packages can become annoying, even if in good faith).

I decided to web versions of such cards, making them as dynamic and animated as possible. I have done a few, and each time I have had to "reinvent the wheel" by reimplementing, debugging and improving simple functionality (e.g., a simple typing animation can be more challenging than it seems. Think Regex challenging).

I read about web-components and how they make it super easy to implement new functionlity. I thought there should be a way to implement such animations with such ease,
So I created one.

Top comments (3)

victorquanlam profile image
Victor Quan Lam

Cool project!

edvilme profile image
Eduardo Villalpando Mello

Thanks! Just getting started and learning about maintaing open source communities

victorquanlam profile image
Victor Quan Lam

Keep up the good work mate.