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Discussion on: Why I Succeeded In The Interview But Lost The Job!

ecyrbe profile image
ecyrbe • Edited

This is sad. They want a junior developper and expect every junior developper to work like a senior one ?

Especially, you said that the job offers where destined to juniors and then this senior developper just said he was looking for experienced developper after you worked a week for them? did they lie in their job offer ?

From what you described, why this team rejected you do not seems like valid points. These are minor issues unless they have other rants they felt where not policitally correct to tell you.

Let me explain why :

  • clean code : expecting junior developpers to not reinvent the wheel, has nothing to do with clean code. The points he raised have to do with experience and library knowledge. These points can be learned, fixed in review easilly. Clean code is about good code practice like using code factoring, using good naming conventions, making unit tests... again, nothing related to knowing the langage and library in's and out's.
  • html / css : A good senior developper would have told you in a pull request review what he considers bad, what is good and tell you how to do responsive css with media queries, etc...these are also point you acquire with experience, not something you expect from a junior.

Just to be clear, if you sell yourself as a junior developper, i would not have nit picked on any of the described subjects.

what matters when i work with a junior developper (i'm tech lead, with 20 years experience on the field) :

  • i expect him to learn fast
  • i expect him to be curious, to be technology enthousiast
  • i expect him to not do the same mistake twice
  • i expect him to try to search for an answer before coming to ask for my help
  • i expect him to work with the team
  • i expect him to be professional

when i'm disapointed on any junior dev it's for these points:

  • repeat the same errors again and again
  • not listening to advices
  • working only for the pay check without even interrest for computer science (usually not working as a dev for long)
  • attitude problem (not listening, waking late, always on celle phone, playing video games during working hours, being rude, etc)
codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Well said! One week is not enough time to give a junior developer to grow, especially when the company will not provide feedback. Clearly, they'd never even intended to tell him why he was being let go, until he asked.

alimobasheri profile image
MirAli Mobasheri • Edited

Your comment was very thorough and I think you are right. And I even told the senior developer that if he considered my code was bad he had to tell me and he was like that these are the basis of programming and that he didn't have to advise me about such things.
Of course it was a professional web design agency, so maybe you are right. They've been looking for a senior developer under the name of a junior one.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 👍 👍

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

Of course it was a professional web design agency, so maybe you are right. They've been looking for a senior developer under the name of a junior one.

Close. I suspect they were looking for a senior developer while only paying for a junior.

kallmanation profile image
Nathan Kallman

that these are the basis of programming and that he didn't have to advise me about such things.

That sounds like a junior has been given the title of senior! In no way is knowing that a certain library function exists in a particular language "basics of programming". Advising about details is exactly what seniors are to be doing for juniors.

I'm sorry that you've had a bad experience.