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Cover image for Day 35 : That Day

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Day 35 : That Day

liner notes:

  • Professional : Had a good day. Spoke with my manager. Spoke about some ideas I have for new projects. Going to put everything down on paper and share it with him. Worked on the application creation process of the project I'm working on. I want to make it as simple as possible so other team members can spin up their own instance and start using it quickly. Met with other team members for our weekly hangout.

  • Personal : Went to the OrlandoJS meetup and streamed it. Or at least I tried to, I had to use my phone's hotspot. It came out okay. You can check out this video and more at Here's the video:

    I'm headed to meet up with some folks from The Iron Yard bootcamp. It'll be good to catch up.

A wooden dock on a lake surrounded by mountains in Pragser Wildsee, Italy

Going to be a packed weekend! Going to DevFest Florida tomorrow. They asked if I could record some of the presentations. Can't stay till the end, because I've got my radio show. Sunday, hoping to make that day a day of anime, coding and resting. haha I'm heading out.

Have a great night and weekend!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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