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Cover image for Day 337 : Delay

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Day 337 : Delay

liner notes:

  • Professional : Whew...what a day! Had a meeting. Did a little coding, but most of the day was working the virtual booth at a conference. Like yesterday, my laptop really didn't not like the website. haha It really pushed the limit of my laptop. My laptop's fan normally comes on during video calls, but this time the whole computer got slow. There was a delay in my video. Even when I typed, there was a delay. haha Got to talk to a few folks. When brainstorming with someone, they got an idea to build a demo for work. These are the things I really like doing at conferences. Talking with people and seeing what their needs are and how we can help achieve their goals. Totally lost track of time. haha

  • Personal : Didn't get too much coding done last night. I went down a rabbit hole buying things I'll need to put together the pieces I finally have coming this week to build out the inside of my van. Had to do a bunch of research so things will fit the pieces coming. That's one of the most difficult thing with buying online, you never really know it will fit until after you buy it. For the more common items I'll need, I think I'll go to a local hardware store so I can make sure things fit. I did get to go through some tracks for the radio show.

Redwood tree trunks with a branch with green and purple flowers in Redwood State Park, CA, USA

Super tired. haha Conferences always take a lot out of me. Been uploading old tracks for most of today on the park WiFi.
There's a meetup I'm going to get out later while I eat dinner. After that, thinking I'll do some coding and maybe start putting together tracks for the radio show this week. This week has flown by. I'm off next week! Woo-hoo!

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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