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Cover image for Day 312 : Supposed To Be

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Day 312 : Supposed To Be

liner notes:

  • Professional : Got up early to make sure my set up was good for my presentation. Had our greater team meeting. Good to see everyone. Then it was time to do my talk. Surprisingly, everything worked out well. The Web Component we created worked! I was so relieved. haha My slides transitioned properly and the speech to text worked pretty well. I recorded the audio into my Pixel 4a and the transcription is pretty good. Going to see if I can use that instead. After that, I took the audio recording, uploaded and linked to it in my application and got it working so that while the audio plays, the speech to text shows up and the slides change when they are supposed to be. Pretty good day.

  • Personal : Last night, I went through a bunch of tracks for the radio show and did some last minute prep for my talk. I think I may have also did some research into the database for my side project. Don't really remember, I was pretty tired. haha.

An image of space

After work, I watched the Mars rover land on the planet's surface. It was launched in like June 2020. Kind of amazing! They even got pictures back from the surface. Going to work on my side project and go through some tracks for the radio show. Still tired from the presentation. haha My brain is fried.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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