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Cover image for Day 235: Trial and Error

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Day 235: Trial and Error

liner notes:

  • Professional : Pretty good way to end the week. Had a meeting with the team to catch up and plan for next week. I'm off except for Monday when I help out with the live stream. Did some more prep work for the show on Monday.

  • Personal : Finally got the library to work! The issue was with my private key. I want to store in my database to be accessed by the server so I could change it if I need to without storing it as an environment variable and have to change it and deploy the application again. Who knows when and if that would happen. I would have to pull down my code, set the environment variable and deploy it again. So one issue was that I had an error in the name I chose for the private key and the other was how the private key was formatted. Apparently, I had to replace the return characters with '\n' and make everything fit on a single line. A whole lot of trial and error. haha Looks like I got it working. After that, I listened through so tracks for the radio show.

Overhead shot of the shore of The Dead Sea, Israel with its green water

Going to finish up the pre radio show work. It's not too much since I got a lot done last week. After that, I want to get the chat and ask questions section done for the host dashboard. Once that's working, I want to get it working for the front end this weekend. Also, going to watch the final episode of "The Boys" second season tonight.

Have a great night and weekend!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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