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Cover image for Day 13 : Work My Mind

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Day 13 : Work My Mind

liner notes:

  • Professional : Got the last little blocker with my app figured out. I feel so much better! It really worked my mind. haha. Got some help from the people that work on the SDK. With that done, I dove into the documentation. I filled out the outline I created more. Put in placeholders for where I want screenshots and code snippets. It's coming together. Spent a good amount of the day sitting in on other developers preparing for their upcoming presentations. Picking up some tips for my own presentations.

  • Personal : Made my way downtown to attend a meetup. Got here a little early so I would miss traffic and worked a little more on my Use Case documentation. Also, did some work on my personal site.

Yanacachi, Bolivia mountains

About to head into the venue for the meetup. It's for the Black Orlando Tech group. I haven't been able to attend for a little while, so it'll be good to see some folks again.

That's pretty much it.

Have a great day tomorrow!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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