DEV Community

Discussion on: Which JS Game library would you recommend for a 2d side scroller?

drmandible profile image

Are you developing for desktop, mobile, or both?

deleteman123 profile image
Fernando Doglio

It'll be a typing game, so desktop web.

drmandible profile image

A typing sidescroller? I'm afraid I'm having trouble understanding your project.

But that's ok. I'd suggest starting with vanilla js and start working on whatever you can. As you develop more skills, you'll see other things that you can do. Maybe you'll hit a roadblock and say to yourself, "omg this part of my project is too hard" and then you can see if there's a library or framework that can help.

For example, I wouldn't recommend diving into WebGL unless you have a seriously strong math background or a LOT of time you can spend learning. That's a job for a library/framework.

But relatively simple things like moving sprites around the screen, controlling your character, updating the score, etc, should be at least attempted in vanilla js or one of the major library/frameworks like React or Vue. This way you're much more likely to be learning skills that will translate into future projects. If you choose a game maker (such as Phaser), you're learning things the "Phaser" way which may or may not translate into a useful skill for a later project.