DEV Community

Discussion on: Anyone using ASP.NET Core 3.x on a Linux shared web host?

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Tim Davis

Hello this is the route I went not because of any bias on shared hosting, but because im building a network where I need certain resources (bandwidth, storage, compute) for cheap... You get root control and can set up everything. I use Azure DevOps for Build and Deploy to a VPS. You can find dirt cheap VPS's here VPS slices can be had for the same price as shared hosting at $3.50 a month. My theory is this.. Datacenters were built, many hosting companies rented physical space/servers.. Companies like Wordpress, Azure, and Amazon wiped them out. New virtualization technology came along (docker, kuberneties, KVM, Hyper-V).. Which allows you to just buy some slice anywhere in the world.

For database I wouldnt consider MySQL cause it may be too much for me.. I would look into postgres and EF Core or litedb (litedb you dont even need an orm). After going through this process I suggest to just run the app directly with either kestrel or do it with no proxy (theres an article floating around how to do it)