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Discussion on: Cucumber.js with TypeScript

domorodec profile image

Hello, could you pls tell me what is advantage instead of using cucumber scenario? I don´t understand what is plus to use cucumber-tsflow.

We write scenarion in cucumber like -
Then Change user to MO
And I accept the request from private inbox with state xxx

And code look the same as in your example of course with different logic. I can also even create class and make it export to use it on more places so .... I don´t know why to use cucumber-tsflow.

denolfe profile image
Elliot DeNolf

The differences will be how step definitions are written, not the feature files.

The main benefit I see is that it provides type annotations, which allow the code to be extremely clean and understandable. Without these annotations, the code must have a lot of wrapping functions, which make the code harder to re-use. The documentation shows some examples worth looking at.

domorodec profile image

Why this shows me error telling that declaration expected after @waitForSpinnerToEnd()

@then(/I wait for spinner to end/)
public static waitForSpinner() {

export const waitForSpinnerToEnd = async () => {
await => !document.querySelector('.spinner-three-bounce'), {visible: true});