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Discussion on: What backend are you using?

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Dian Fay

I maintain my own. I discovered the project about two hours out from giving up on the state of relational data access with Node and rolling my own framework. I've been using it for something like four years at this point, and not quite two years ago, the original developer moved on and I took over the project.

Two points to the elevator pitch:

  • Massive is a data mapper, not an object/relational mapper. O/R mapping is by far the more common data access technique, but its emphasis on convenience for application developers comes at a heavy price everyone eventually regrets having to pay: inflexibility, limited access to database features, and a host of bad database design habits. Data architecture is worth doing right, and Massive starts you off with an approachable API that lets you get the most out of your database from the word go. It's a much more flexible and sustainable foundation to build off of compared to the O/RM approach of trying to shoehorn a relational data model into an object graph and vice versa.
  • Massive is laser-focused on PostgreSQL. There's so much that Postgres has to offer above and beyond its competitors that ignoring it for the lowest common denominator feature set makes little sense unless there's a compelling business reason to support multiple relational database platforms (really, you could say this for almost any RDBMS; nobody complains about vendor lock-in with MongoDB or Cassandra!).