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Discussion on: Please be professional and stop saying "I'm almost done!"

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Doaa Mahely

Thanks a lot for your comment!
I do think TDD will help us a lot in our business - unfortunately we've had countless instances when simple tests would have caught embarrassing bugs. I'll do my best to advocate for it.
So as I understand it, retrospectives can be quite specific if I can mention issues in MRs/tasks? Up until now (and we haven't done many) it's just been general feedback about the week and workload.
As for your last point, we've tried creating tasks for technical debt but that caused a huge backlog and top management was confused in how those 4 tasks related to the same feature/bug are different, so for now when I send a review back I also send the task back, so that all of its history is there in one place.

Thank you again for your help! :D I'll keep my eye out for more of your articles.