DEV Community

Discussion on: Advice on training junior developers

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Eric De Wildt

I am an autodidact developer and here are some of the things that helped me in my junior days.

  1. Learn your language of choice before what ever platform you want to work with.

  2. Read documentation for everything you're currently working with like it's your best friend.

  3. Learn what S.O.L.I.D means and be able to recite it on command. Even if you do functional programming.

  4. At the very least learn the benefits of functional programming. OO languages these days are moving towards functional styles. Scott Wlaschin, know who he is.

  5. TDD for at least your business logic.

  6. Use git and then start playing with stuff. With git you don't have to care about breaking stuff. Play play play

  7. Build as much stuff as you can. Build more stuff.

After you have all that down move on to algorithms for sorting and parsing.