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Why Git Alias

Camilla Santiago on August 02, 2018

I've been using git aliases for a while now. People have seen me using them, asked me, I explained, encouraged them to use it too and failed. Why? ...
vlasales profile image
Vlastimil Pospichal • Edited

My aliases in ~/.gitconfig

ci = commit -v
co = checkout
unstage = reset HEAD --
last = log -3
list = log -10 --oneline --decorate
newbranch = checkout -b
exclude = !editor .git/info/exclude
ignore = !editor .gitignore
master = checkout master
ref = symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD
mktags = !mktags
globalConfig = config --edit --global
aliases = config --get-regexp ^alias\\.

In other cases I don't use abbreviations, because using bash-complete is easier to me.

jbazalar profile image
Jason Bazalar • Edited

I like using s for status, o for pull origin, po for push origin and a few other short ones.

However, there was no point in git aliases for me if I didn't alias git as simply g in ~/.bashrc or .~/profile

g s
g bd (branch -d)
g b
g co
g c (commit -m)
g m (merge)

I try to read the letters in my head as the full command so I remember the commands elsewhere.

vlasales profile image
Vlastimil Pospichal • Edited

In my ~/.bashrc is included:

alias gita='git add'
alias gitb='git branch'
alias gitc='git checkout'
alias gitm='git merge'
alias gitr='git rebase'
alias gits='git status'
Thread Thread
devcamilla profile image
Camilla Santiago

This is nice too. Surely there are lots of ways to do this. Thanks for sharing.

devcamilla profile image
Camilla Santiago

That's a nice touch. Didn't thought of that before. Thanks for sharing.

devcamilla profile image
Camilla Santiago • Edited

Oh, it's the first I heard of bash complete. Thanks for sharing.

pkristiancz profile image
Patrik Kristian

lol :) even try CTRL+R for searching in history :)
you guys have some interestig aliases, to be honest, for many of them i am not sure what they do.. time to study i guess :)

jessekphillips profile image
Jesse Phillips

The aliases I see facilitate a flow I would recommend not to use.

I also do hybrid command line myself. When I go to commit I'll use git gui. Git status isn't as nice as gitk.

Even though the fixup alias intrigued me, I think keeping the commit separate and finalizing at the end of work with an interactive rebase can lend to more options for rework.

nezteb profile image
Noah Betzen