DEV Community

Discussion on: You Probably Don't Need A Front End Framework

desolosubhumus profile image
Desolo Sub Humus 🌎🌍

I'd just like to say a few things.

There is nothing wrong with using vanilla code instead of a spaghetti mess of frameworks and libraries. I'm saying this not as some old grandpa (not just because I'm a woman, but more specifically, because of my not-really-old age) that can't get with the times, but as a person who has seen the advantages of vanilla code firsthand. Also, there are other non-grandpas who back up the position of not using frameworks for every little thing. For example, . GypsyDave5 doesn't look all that old, either, and he's written an article here on the subject.

As for me, I created Blue Alphant ( ) using HTML, CSS, JS, and AngularJS. It wasn't too bad, as I'd broken the thing up into a ton of pages and created a complex menu to navigate it. It was a pain to update, as the database was broken up just as much as the pages, and some pages, especially CJK Extension-B loaded so slowly, it often timed out, leaving the user to select 'wait' when the page became unresponsive.

I got sick of using such a slow, complex beast, even if it was my own labor of love, so I refactored it. Now it's Azure Alphant ( ), it supports more devices and browsers, the menu is much simpler now that I've been able to merge so many pages, updates will be far less of a hassle, and (this is key) it runs 76% faster. All I had to do is ditch AngularJS and build the whole thing as pure vanilla.

I had been led to believe that adding a framework like AngularJS improved speed and created more maintainable code. However, in practice, I found the opposite was true. Perhaps I should have gone with my instincts in the very beginning, back when I first questioned how adding more code to be fetched by the initial HTML would make my project run faster.

Frameworks are fine, when used in projects that NEED frameworks. Frameworks are NOT a one-size-fits-all solution for every web-based thing under the sun. No one should ever use a framework just because all the 'cool coders' are doing it; they should evaluate their own project's actual needs, just like OP did here.