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Why is Your Blog Getting Penalised By Google?

Google is the best source of the traffic to any blog. To build a successful blog you have to study and follow Google and its Algorithms wisely otherwise you won't be successful in blogging which is widely known as Search Engine Optimization(SEO). If you can know more about SEO onRainiertamayo. Google ranks the search results based on 200 different signals. Recently Google search team started updating its algorithms to curb webspam and reward blogs with high-quality articles. If you are one of them who is blog getting penalized by Google then you have to check the following reasons.

Reasons Why Your Blog Getting Penalised by Google?

Low-Quality Content:

Content is always the king. If you post low-quality articles then you will get penalized one day or another. Always write detailed full-length articles that are useful to the reader with a minimum of 400-500 words. Use appropriate keywords and good Titles. Mention h2,h3,h4 tags in the body of the post.

On-Page Optimization and keywords Stuffing:

Do not over-optimize, SEO should come naturally. If you over-optimize the article with keywords stuffing then you will get penalized for sure with the recent algorithm updates.

Excessive and Unnatural link building:

Dont use automated software for link building. If your site is new just wait for few days and start building links slowly. Getting bad backlinks will also lead to a penalty.

Too many links in footer:

Blogs with too many links in footer and blogs which are getting too many links from footer are also getting penalized by google. If your blog has too many links in footer then its time to remove them.

Low-Quality Pages Getting Indexed in Google Without your notice:

Sometimes Google may index archive pages, search results, and unnecessary pages that have no value in ranking on google. Such pages will affect your site very badly. As soon as you see such a page remove those pages immediately from search results using google webmasters tool.

Neglecting Social Media

Social Networking websites are the source of unlimited traffic. Maintain a good social networking community. Have a good presence on social media sites like Facebook, Google+, Stumbleupon, Digg, etc.

Dont implement Black Hat SEO Techniques:

Never use Black Hat SEO techniques to increase traffic overnight. Black Hat SEO techniques are just only temporary, in the long run, you will lose the traffic and one day you will get penalized by google.

Too many Advertisements:

After the Google page layout algorithm has updated many blogs got penalized which have too many ads on the top of the post(i.e Below Title).If you are the one who placed too many ads on the top of the post then its time to remove those ads and place ads within the post or below posts. Even the CTR will be high if you place ads within the post.


The main reason for your blog getting penalized is low-quality content. Though few articles are of low quality it can affect the whole blog-like “One bad apple spoils the whole Bunch”. So focus on quality content and avoid using Black Hat SEO Techniques, Google will bless your blog with huge traffic.

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