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How to change an image with Python

Today I would like to play a little bit with Python and Pillow library. I will test some possibilities of PIL.

I open PyCharm and I create in a directory PycharmProjects a project imagePython.
Normally PyCharm creates it automatically

I want to work with pictures so I install pillow for mac:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
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When I create a directory images and download a picture that I want to modify from Pixabay. It is better to chose a little image so it will take less time to transform it.

Now I change a file:

from PIL import Image

tulips ="./images/tulips.jpeg")
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and I run this code and this is a result:

That you see the image change a name and format.

Now I can rotate my image:

rotateImage = tulips.rotate(180)
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tulips rotate 180°

I can also resize it:

little = tulips.resize((128, 128))
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little tulips

Now I change colors to white and black:

# all is black and white
im = tulips.convert("L")
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tulips white and black

I can also change the colors of the image like this:

r, g, b = tulips.split()
r = r.point(lambda i: i * 2)
g = g.point(lambda i: i / 2)
b = b.point(lambda i: i + 50)
img = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b))
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changing colors of tulips

There is possible to use also some filters like blur or contour and much more than you can find in documentation:

from PIL import ImageFilter

im1 = tulips.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)

im2 = tulips.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)
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blur tulipes

contour tulipes

I can also regulate the contrast of my image:

from PIL import ImageEnhance

# contrast of 50%
contrastedImg = ImageEnhance.Contrast(tulips)

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contrasted img

These are only some examples of Pillow possibilities so don't hesitate to test them and use them in your projects.

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