DEV Community

Discussion on: First approach to mobile design

demicdev profile image

Hi, first, thanks a lot for your response! I will answer to all your questions in order:


  • With the bottom bar I use about the 90% of the width because I wanted to give the rounded effect, that it wouldn't be so visible with the width of 100%. About the height I think you're right, I built the template from the perspective of my screen and not from the perspective of a user that use the app from a real device. Increase the height would be surely better.


  • I decided to use large empty space between contents to make understand the separation between two "different areas" of the app. But now I'm noticing that in some cases the empty space is a lot! 😅
  • For the progress bar there isn't a real reason, while I was editing borders I liked it very much!

Book detail

  • You're right about the description, I initially used italic because I used the regular font style for the Author name, and I want to keep different, but maybe I will set author font style as semibold and a regular font style for the description.

Thanks again for your opinion, it opened my eyes on something that I didn't notice at all! I will surely post an update about this template, applying all the edits and perhaps adding more screens. Next time I will explain more the why behind my choices, because now I just post the screens.