DEV Community

Discussion on: The (probable) end of the front-end profession as you know it

decahub profile image

But what happens is that Front End development/engineering is more than just UI as a visual element. Front End is also UI as a logic element. Sure, the templating tasks could be successfully automated, but the logic that glues everything together not so much - for the time being. What make us "human", in a sense, is our ability to use logic as an interface for the world around us. We will need humans to logically bind all those UI elements together in a way that is result-efficient. Creativity also comes in the form of logic manipulation. While two sites may have the same View, the logic behind what achieves the presentation may be quiet different! There is also the security factor to consider. Front End Development has gotten really beefy in the past years. The faster our technology evolves, the more complex human-machine interactions become.

In my humble opinion, I think that the trend is to merge the real-world with the digital one. So what may cease to exist is the screen - which takes away the concept of UI as we know it.