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Discussion on: Beyond create-react-app: Why you might want to use Next.js or Gatsby instead

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Thanks for sharing! This is random, but I knew that garden just from the title picture before I scrolled down. Getting to visit it had a big impact on me. Thanks for bringing me back there 🙂🍁

I can also tell the amount of effort that went into this post, and all the work you did to respect others efforts, wonderful!

BTW, you can tag code blocks with a language to get syntax highlighting by adding the language extension (e.g. js, c, cpp, java) after the the first three backticks.
sample react component wrapped in backticks with javascript syntax highlighting

masakudamatsu profile image
Masa Kudamatsu

Thank you for posting a comment, Devin!

I wasn't sure if it would be a great idea to add a picture completely irrelevant 😅 to web development, but I'm glad it actually gave you a positive impact. 😊 I've been to this garden whenever I need an escape from reality. It helps me recover tranquility in my mind.

Thank you for noticing my effort to "respect others efforts". Coming from academia, I believe that clarifying how knowledge is accumulated on top of each other's writings will help the reader understand the content a lot better than otherwise.

I've just revised the code block in this article by following your advice. Thanks a lot!