DEV Community

Discussion on: Static Site Generators are not for me! My Experience with Jekyll, Hugo and NetlifyCMS

davidjdavis profile image
David J. Davis • Edited

Bro you should have taken the non developer approach and do squarespace or something. WordPress is not the easiest approach, it's a piece of crap.

epsi profile image
E.R. Nurwijayadi


vallerydelexy profile image

why is it piece of crap?

davidjdavis profile image
David J. Davis • Edited

Because WordPress requires a ton of ongoing updates and fixes after updates, and because there are many core php methods that simply don't work in WordPress's WordPress. And because it's not friendly to developers or the end user. WordPress somehow has become the go-to CMS for SMBs, and all it provides is the illusion of control to the end user who likes the idea of updating their content, but in the end they inevitably break stuff. Finally because WordPress was never intended to become what it is today from the start. It's a hot piece of garbage that needs to be left in antiquity. Luckily php is slowly but surely being used less and less every year.