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Discussion on: Architecting HTTP clients in Vue.js applications for efficient network communication

darthvitalus profile image

Hi, fellow! Thanks for such a valuable post! Saved it for future ;)

I've some questions though)

  1. Making network requests inside Vuex actions

Isn't it better to use async/await for clearer and more declarative code?
Some code above could be written like this:

const actions = {
    fetchUsers: async function ({ commit }) {
        const response = await getAllUsers();

sure it needs try/catch around ;)

  1. Managing Auth Credentials using interceptors

Saving tokens or some other credentials/auth data to LS is bad, as spoken clearly here:
Do you still use this LS approach? Or you just used it as an easy example?

  1. Caching and Throttling

About this lines and idea:
"All the subsequent calls after the first call will be responded from the cache.

getUsers(); // actual network request and response gets cached
getUsers(); // from cache
getUsers(); // from cache...


What if in between these requests server's data has actually changed? Thus client will get wrong (cached) data. I believe caching is more server stuff to do, via response headers, telling browser what caching strategy to use, because server does better knowledge about information it stores, and about ways and frequency of data changes. So why not do caching on server-browser?

Thanks in advance!)

haxzie profile image
Musthaq Ahamad

Great Observation! Thanks for the suggestions, I have updated the article with your feedback. And for the part where I used Local Storage, it's just for an easy example, adding to that using cookies instead of localStorage doesn't make much difference since both use the same security policy. Totally agree with implementing robust security in place without using localStorage but If your website is vulnerable to XSS, both the cases should be deemed to be flawed. Storing JWT in localStorage can be made more secure by issuing short term tokens. But yeah, choosing security and ease of implementation is always a matter of trade-offs between both. Thanks for your suggestions, hope it will help the readers alot! :)