DEV Community

Discussion on: Reasons developers avoid CSS

darthknoppix profile image
Seth Corker

I agree with you wholeheartedly, I'm fairly proficient at CSS and I enjoy it but what I wrote about was the perception of CSS that I've encountered.

I want to encourage an open discussion on the reasons why CSS has a stigma and try to overcome it. I often hear division between various communities. At meetups/talks/events/discussions I hear comments like:

At least it's not JavaScript
Two backend devs talking

This developer writes PHP, he's old so of course he would
directly said to me

Who cares about the design, just use bootstrap and be done with it
an offhand joke at a talk

You're right in saying that CSS is a legitimate language which is powerful on the web, it's a shame it's often overlooked. I've often had to dissuade colleagues from writing something in JS that can easily be achieved with HTML and/or CSS alone. I think this comes down to a gap in knowledge and I've outlined some of the reasons why I think some developers prefer to forgo learning about CSS.

In your experience, have you encountered resistance to learning CSS?