DEV Community

Liam Gomez
Liam Gomez

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Day 19/100 Java

After todays sections my brain hurts.

Day 19/100


Time Period Spent:

Course Taken:
Udemy: Java Programming Masterclass - Tim Buchalka

Todays Learning:

  • Arrays
  • Array Recap
  • Sorting Array
  • User input to array
  • Forloop recap
  • Intro to algorythm

Additional Notes:
Starting off a new section today, arrays. Not only have we based the first two episodes of the course on arrays and a challenge, which consisted of getting user input of numbers to fill an array, but additionally we printed the results with forloops and print statements. The issue came when we got into the challenge, where we created input and output of the array but also creating a sorting algorithim. Simple algorithem of sorting the numbers by decending order, in principle its easy but my understanding of Java so far where increasingly is getting better, it is currenly quite low in consideration. Going through this sorting algorithem I was not able to complete the challenge, after spending some time googling and understanding how this was created, I cannot replicate it but at least I understand the consept of it.

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