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Discussion on: TailwindCSS: Adds complexity, does nothing.

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Darryl Noakes • Edited

I would say that CSS-in-JS is a screw/screwdriver, and Tailwind and cousins are the nail guns.

The screw requires a screwdriver to use, which is a rather different tool to a hammer, but it achieves a very similar outcome.

If you use it correctly, the nail gun allows you to quickly and neatly shoot in some nails, but it isn't always flexible enough for what you need to do. In that case, don't discard it: use the nail gun to quickly do all the main stuff, and use the hammer when you need to.

If you don't use a nail gun correctly, you can hurt people. But you can also hurt people with a hammer or screw driver. And nail gun wounds are usually clean. Hammer wounds are not.

P.S. Check out WindiCSS.